Support VGC

If you like to help us we do take donations. Please make a donation through the donation button down below.


Please keep in mind that by donating you agree to the following terms & conditions:

  1. All donations are final.
  2. All donations are according by Swedish law consider being a gift.
  3. Donation perks will not be issued until cleared by their respective payment services. (Sometimes payments can be held by Paypal).
  4. Every donation you send is for the community, and because of that we are not eligible to refund you.
  5. If you dispute your donation your account(s) will be banned from this community and blacklisted from any service for donations until said dispute has been solved.
  6. Being a donor does not lessen the rules or their punishments on any server the community might control. The rules will be enforced equally to all and as such, if you become banned, no refunds will be issued.
  7. Donation Terms & Conditions and Donation Perks are all subject to change. It’s up to you to read latest changes that is made.

If there is any problem with your donation or perks, then please contact the admin team over at our Discord server.

Thank you for your help.